Welcome To Miami Fire Fighters’ Benevolent Association

The MFFBA is a proud organization established in 1937, whose membership is comprised of present and retired City of Miami Firefighters. We are a non profit association that involves itself with community and sometimes national issues. In the long history of the MFFBA we have provided joy and happiness to many in our community and our nation in times of need. I will mention some of the more highlighted endeavors we have taken on, but each mission we go on is important to someone. The donations that are received into our 501 C 3 charity fund are redistributed in their entirety back to those in the community that are in need of our help. We can only do this with the generosity of others that believe in helping those in their community.

We have sponsored an annual Holiday Toy Drive with Santa Claus for over twenty years to provide joy to those underprivileged children in our community. We do this through the Fire Departments Public Ed division who monitors the day care centers that are responsible for these children. We have a partnership with the MDA, Cystic Fibrosis, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, American Cancer Society, American Red Cross, UM/JMH Burn Center, and other national/local organizations.

We have been involved with many hurricane restoration projects going back to Andrew, Wilma, and Katrina. Locally we will seek out and provide assistance to the elderly and special needs persons that have been devastated by these storms. We have collected monies from street corners to give to the Red Cross Hurricane Relief programs to assist those in the gulf region after Katrina and other named storms. After the tragic events of 911 this association raised over three quarters of a million dollars in donations from our local private and public sectors to send to the Widows and Children’s funds established in New York City. We have recently established a partnership with the Achilles Track Team, whose members are wheelchair bound athletes, and the their Freedom Team whose members are returning disabled veterans that have the will to compete in our local Miami Marathon. We provide manpower to assist in getting them and their equipment from the airports to the hotel and to the race and then back again. They are our guest’s the night before the race at a pasta loading dinner we provide at our benevolent hall. The MFFBA is always their for the families of our own “Fallen Firefighters” and others in the fire service who have given the ultimate sacrifice for us with establishing family survival funds and college funds for the children.

The MFFBA thanks you for your attention that you give us in providing any assistance you can in helping us continue this mission.

Alexander F. Martinez